Sprite 1984 - 1993
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Text File
179 lines
# default.tx -
# This file is an initialization script read by Tx whenever it starts
# up. It defines a bunch of procedures, configures bindings, and
# initializes variables.
# Copyright 1990 Regents of the University of California
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
# software and its documentation for any purpose and without
# fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
# notice appear in all copies. The University of California
# makes no representations about the suitability of this
# software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
# express or implied warranty.
# Command procedures to extend the built-in command set:
proc showBindings {args} {
global newWindow
mxopen {}
mxsend $newWindow {insert Keystroke\ Bindings:\n}
mxsend $newWindow {insert ---------\ --------\n}
if {[length $args] == 0} {set args [bind]}
foreach binding $args {
mxsend $newWindow [list insert [format {\n%-10s => "%s"}
[control binding $binding] [bind $binding]]]
mxsend $newWindow clean
mxsend $newWindow {see 0.0}
proc showMenus {args} {
global newWindow
mxopen {}
mxsend $newWindow {insert Menu\ information:\n}
mxsend $newWindow {insert ----\ -----------\n}
mxsend $newWindow {insert \n(Format:\ displayed\ information\ |\ command)}
if {[length $args] == 0} {set args [menu info]}
foreach i $args {
set leftSize 5
set midSize 5
set rightSize 5
mxsend $newWindow clean
foreach j [menu info $i] {
set t [length [index $j 0] chars]
if {$t > $leftSize} {set leftSize $t}
set t [length [index $j 1] chars]
if {$t > $midSize} {set midSize $t}
set t [length [index $j 2] chars]
if {$t > $rightSize} {set rightSize $t}
mxsend $newWindow [list insert [format \n\n%s: $i]]
foreach j [menu info $i] {
mxsend $newWindow [list insert [format {\n %-*s %-*s %-*s | %s} \
$leftSize [index $j 0] $midSize [index $j 1] \
$rightSize [index $j 2] [index $j 3]]]
mxsend $newWindow clean
mxsend $newWindow {see 0.0}
proc showProcs {args} {
global newWindow
mxopen {}
mxsend $newWindow {insert Procedure\ information:\n}
mxsend $newWindow {insert ---------\ -----------}
if {[length $args] == 0} {set args [info procs]}
foreach proc $args {
set space {}
mxsend $newWindow [list insert [format \n\n%s( $proc]]
mxsend $newWindow clean
foreach param [info args $proc] {
mxsend $newWindow [list insert [format %s%s $space $param]]
set space {, }
if [info default $proc $param default] {
mxsend $newWindow [list insert [format { [%s]} $default]]
mxsend $newWindow {insert ):\n}
mxsend $newWindow [list insert [info body $proc]]
mxsend $newWindow clean
mxsend $newWindow {see 0.0}
proc showVars {args} {
global newWindow
mxopen {}
mxsend $newWindow {insert Variable\ values:\n}
mxsend $newWindow {insert --------\ -------\n}
set _maxLength 10
if {[length $args] == 0} {set args [uplevel {info vars}]}
foreach _i $args {
if {[length $_i chars] > $_maxLength} {
set _maxLength [length $_i chars]
set _maxLength [expr $_maxLength+6]
foreach _i $args {
mxsend $newWindow [list insert [format {\n%-*s = "%s"}
$_maxLength $_i [uplevel set $_i]]]
mxsend $newWindow clean
mxsend $newWindow {see 0.0}
proc where {} {
global newWindow errorInfo
if {![info exists errorInfo]} {
return "no error has occurred yet"
mxopen {}
mxsend $newWindow {insert "Stack trace for last error:\n"}
mxsend $newWindow {insert "----- ----- --- ---- ------\n\n"}
mxsend $newWindow [list insert $errorInfo]
mxsend $newWindow "clean; see 0.0"
# Default bindings:
bind \Cv {insert [selection]}
bind \Ca {insert !!\n}
bind \Mf {search forw [selection]}
bind \Mb {search back [selection]}
bind \Mo {open; send $newWindow {see eof bottom}}
bind \Mc {focus command clear}
# Menus:
menu create Control \
{Set termcap} - - - {
insert set noglob\; setenv TERM tx\n
insert [format {setenv T1 "%s"} [range $termcap 0 100 chars]] \n
insert [format {setenv T2 "%s"} [range $termcap 101 200 chars]] \n
insert [format {setenv T3 "%s"} [range $termcap 201 end chars]] \n
insert setenv TERMCAP {"$T1$T2$T3"} \n
insert unset noglob\n
insert unsetenv T1 T2 T3\n
} \
{Clear and reset window} - - - {
vi leave
delete 1.0 [mark eof back 1 char]
selection clear
} \
{New window on typescript} - M-o - {
send $newWindow {see eof bottom}
} \
{Open command subwindow} - M-c - {focus command clear} \
{Disable escape sequences} - - - {escape off} \
{Enable escape sequences} - - - {escape on} \
{Enter vt100 mode} - - - {set oldgeom =[set width]x[set height] ; \
geometry =80x24 ; vi clear ; vi vt100 1} \
{Exit vt100 mode} - - - {geometry $oldgeom ; vi vt100 0} \
{Quit} - - - quit
menu create Help \
{Info on last error} - - - {where} \
{Current key bindings} - - - {showBindings} \
{Current variable values} - - - {showVars} \
{Current menus} - - - {showMenus} \
{Current command procedures} - - - {showProcs}
menu create Search \
{Search forward} - - - {search forw} \
{Search backward} - - - {search back} \
{Search forward for $sel} - {M-f} - {search forw [selection]} \
{Search backward for $sel} - {M-b} - {search back [selection]}
menu create Selection \
{Copy $sel to caret} - {C-v} - {insert [selection]} \
{Delete $sel} - - - {delete sel.left sel.right}
# Variables:
# _ti -- used by termcap entry.
set searchCmd search
set _ti 0